Lawyer Searcher

About Us

Lawyer Searcher is a national lawyer referral matching service which pairs consumers with top rated lawyers in their area. Find the best attorneys for your specific situation with access to expert attorneys in your city.

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Let’s get you set up to start fighting fraud. Schedule with a fraud detection expert now!

Search Expert Lawyers

Find the right lawyer that gives your case the best chance of success. Our lawyer referral network features top rated attorneys from across the country in a variety of practice areas like Personal Injury, Immigration, Premise Liability, Criminal Defense, Family Law, Malpractice, and much more.

Vetted Attorneys

Our in-house experts at Lawyer Search continuously update rankings based on the latest feedback from individuals like yourself that are searching for competent representation on complex issues.

Guide to Hiring an Attorney

Lawyer Searcher provides an easy playbook for getting your case the attention it deserves. Our guide will help you identify the correct practice area for your situation so we can match you with top ranking lawyers from well respected firms.

Legal Resources Toolkit

Can’t afford legal fees? We’ll help you find clinics in your area funded by nonprofits and foundations that provide complimentary legal services.

What is a Lawyer Referral Service?

A Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is an organization dedicated to referring individuals to licensed and insured attorneys with the necessary experience to provide the best chance of success for a client’s case or legal issue.

Legal Assistance

Our mission is to provide the most comprehensive legal assistance for consumers in need of legal representation. Our goal is to provide a frictionless way for individuals and attorneys to connect without the barriers of in-person meetings or endless online research.

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